Our Mission
The mission of Educate California is to increase the number of high need youth who GRADUATE with a comprehensive, written plan for life after high school.
Giving Kids Wings Flight Academy (GKWFA) is a 501(c)3 public benefit corporation. We teach math and science through aviation, introduce high school students to aviation careers, and provide career flight training. Our program pays special attention to increasing the participation of minorities and women in aviation.
Venice Skills Center and its six branches operate through LAUSD Division of Adult and Career Education. Since its beginnings in 1968, it has met the educational needs of the diverse Westchester-Venice community, preparing adult students for job advancement and new careers, high school diplomas, equivalency exams, and proficiency in English language.
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9100 S Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 210, Los Angeles, CA 90045 – (310) 645-5151 – info@laxcoastal.com